
Monday, 21 July 2014

Trailing bears in Kuusamo!

Before coming to enjoy cool Finnish summer in the north I had a busy June tightly packed with all kinds of orienteering races. Kuopio-Jukola was another enchanting experience and another lesson on how to achieve maximum result out of low capacity. An annoying flu I had been going through for couple of weeks right before Jukola completely nailed me to the ground and made my long-time dream of having terrific solo night-show in 1st leg impossible. Nevertheless, proceeding smoothly through the race I gradually got to position 5 right before arena passage. Tiredness and my only miss on a whole course of 40 seconds three controls away from finish were reasons enough for giving about 10 places back. Rasti-Kurikka’s final placement in Kuopio-Jukola was 105th.Scrolling down through different o-blogs after Jukola I was glad to notice that for many runners this event stands alone with it’s unique atmosphere of main orienteering feast. Living same emotions with thousands of people is great, isn’t it? 
(foto by K.Hirvonen)