
Monday, 21 July 2014

Trailing bears in Kuusamo!

Before coming to enjoy cool Finnish summer in the north I had a busy June tightly packed with all kinds of orienteering races. Kuopio-Jukola was another enchanting experience and another lesson on how to achieve maximum result out of low capacity. An annoying flu I had been going through for couple of weeks right before Jukola completely nailed me to the ground and made my long-time dream of having terrific solo night-show in 1st leg impossible. Nevertheless, proceeding smoothly through the race I gradually got to position 5 right before arena passage. Tiredness and my only miss on a whole course of 40 seconds three controls away from finish were reasons enough for giving about 10 places back. Rasti-Kurikka’s final placement in Kuopio-Jukola was 105th.Scrolling down through different o-blogs after Jukola I was glad to notice that for many runners this event stands alone with it’s unique atmosphere of main orienteering feast. Living same emotions with thousands of people is great, isn’t it? 
(foto by K.Hirvonen)

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Reserve man for WOC

This story was initially supposed to narrate of my proud and happiness being qualified to my first ever World Champ..., but no, it didn’t happen and I won’t be running in Italy this summer.
Russian Championship in the end of May (which was also named as qualification for WOC) was 4-days in a row event with races 2 and 3 (middle&long) of primal character for selection to the Russian team. The other 2 races were middle mass-start and chasing start, based on the results of long. Really, I’m not inclined to blame myself for reaching places as 2nd, 2nd, 16th and 9th(actually, with clearly the best time of the day in chasing start) there. But I still feel a bit frustrated about the fact that my only disaster had found me on the day of long distance which recently proved to be my number 1 priority and there I was defending my gold medal from last year’s RC. It just didn’t work on that day, my body refused to move and I was spent already after 20 minutes of the race. Running on slopes of Khvalynsk Mountains in the heat 4 days without rest hadn’t been an easy task. Of course no one forced me to run all the races, but very naturally, as it was National Champ for each event, I signed up for all 4 days, being quite confident of my physical condition. Now it looks like that was where I little underestimated it…
Middle distance prize-giving

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Tiomila and more

The unspoken rule of writing stories after big o-relays says that if you were running in the team which narrowly escaped morning mass-start and even further than that, was disqualified, don’t be in hurry, take your time, let first the podium teams reveal all of their joy and glory and only then bring all the ugly details of your well-predictable defeat)
Since my first Tiomila in 2001 I’d gone through many occasions on different legs which are worth to remember. Probably the strongest memories of all are still kept from 2010, then after great runs made by my teammates from Tampereen Pyrintö I started out on 9th leg in the lead, with Kalevan Rasti and SK Halden at my back. That year we ended up 4th.
But currently (or finally?)in 2014 I’m not hunting for any relay glory and just helping my modest club to do their best. For the first time in my life I was running 10-Mila in a team which consisted of 2 different clubs: Rasti-Kurikka and Ylistaron Kilpa-Veljet, 50/50. Our try a week earlier in FinnSpring-relay with Tapio run 1st leg and me 2nd had proved reasonable and was welcomed again.
According to 10-mila leaflet 2nd leg this year almost completely belonged to daytime and required no extra-light. But while warming-up I had noticed that barely everyone in the area had headlamp! “Wow,really?! Maybe they know something I don’t?” In quite a hurry I had found our coaches and after brief discussion put a small light on my head. Felling of security is still prevailing in our sport!
Tapio run a cool race and arrived to exchange gates right on schedule. This time that meant  +4.51 and position 125.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

FinnSpring time

Check out my routes from FS -  a major finnish orienteering season opener, which this time took place on a very nice terrains close to the city of Salo.

 On Saturday I got no place in men's E class( most likely because of late entry), so was warming up in one of A classes. I really enjoyed the real orienteering after being completly bored by EOC fast terrains!

H21A3 part 1

Monday, 21 April 2014

At EOC circus

 Though EOC-2014 now rather belong to history some of it's vivid moments will long time be remembered by many. No doubt that Portuguese o-circus is the funniest and most entertaining I've ever been to! The circumstances we have witnessed during EOC are of such extraordinary character that I now truly believe organizing team was  unfortunate victim of witchcraft.
Somehow I'm sure all persons in charge will take all needed steps and measures to find out key reasons that stood behind the organizing collapse of EOC-2014 in Portugal. For us, who were running at EOC, there are plenty of data to analize apart from things initiated by bad "magic".

My personal dreams and hopes prior this champ were something different from what it turned out to be in the end. Quite low physical capacity during EOC week never allowed me to spread my wings.
In this "never-as-easy-before" terrain I was constantly pushing myself to the limit (and probably over it) still being slow compared to the best. I must confess this is a hard feeling for an ambitious runner.
Of course my winter training period was far from perfect and there have been even some motivation problems and some valuable running loads were lost at that time. The fact that I did not manage to go to any o-camp in winter was not playing for me either.Then I made the final commitment to prepare myself the best I can for EOC it was already a bit too late...

face that speaks for itself